Everyday Wrestling Workout
This video will walk wrestlers through a quick wrestling workout that will focus on basic strength, balance, and conditioning. Wrestlers will be asked to use their magic number. That number is the amount of times they can successfully complete each activity. Kindergarten to 1st grade’s number should be about 10 to 15, 2nd to 3rd grade 20 to 25, and 4th through 6th grade should be 30 to 40. Wrestlers should set goals for themselves and try to increase their number anytime they can successfully complete every activity at that number.
List of activities:
Push-ups (to your magic number)
Sit-ups (to your magic number)
Back bridges (to your magic number)
Squats (to your magic number)
Push-ups (to failure)
Wall sit (to failure)
Plank (to failure)
Balance Games Video
This video is designed for wrestlers K through 6 and is meant to be done with an adult or sibling. It is a short video that will walk you through multiple wrestling related balance activities that you can do at home in your living room.
Stand Up and Hand Control Video
This video is designed for wrestlers K through 6 and is meant to be done with an adult or sibling. It will focus on a good bottom starting position, hand control, standing up and escaping. Hand controls and stand ups are one of the most important wrestling moves there is and it can easily be practiced at home.
Half Nelson Video
This video is designed for wrestlers K through 6 and is meant to be done with an adult or sibling. It will focus on the Half Nelson which is the most basic wrestling turn from top. A lot of youth wrestling matches are won and lost with half nelsons which can easily be practiced anywhere.
Cowcatcher Video
This video is designed for wrestlers K through 6 and is meant to be done with an adult or sibling. The cowcatcher is an easy and important move that wrestlers of all ages can learn to do from the feet and top position. It can also easily be practiced anywhere.